RNLI Safety Expert to Headline Boating Summit

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UK Sea Safety Expert to Headline Boating Summit

The National Marine Safety Committee has confirmed that Peter Chennell, Sea Safety Manager for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution in the UK will be the keynote speaker for the NMSC’s Summit Down Under, to be held on Friday 22 May on Queensland’s Gold Coast.

“Peter brings a wealth of experience as a safety expert, teacher and author, including in his current role overseeing the principal rescue service for recreational boaters in Britain,” enthused NMSC CEO Margie O’Tarpey.

“He will be speaking on getting the balance right between safer boats and better rescue services.”

Mr Chennell said that he was pleased to be invited to Australia to share his knowledge on recreational boating safety.

“As the number of leisure users increases, the base level of safety knowledge drops,” he said.

“Sadly, many sea users are complacent of the risks involved and some people overlook the simplest safety precautions.”

Ms O’Tarpey went on to say that the marine industry was facing a range of challenges to be competitive on the world market, and that the Summit would address some of these issues.

“Topics include how to do business smarter in this challenging financial climate, how to address national and international boat building standards and environmental issues such as green house gas friendly fuels.

 “Emerging issues will also be outlined, such as consumer attitudes to boating safety and whether we need a national recreational boat operators’ license in Australia.

“Our Standards Team Leader John Henry and Marine Queensland’s Charles Dickson will detail the latest developments for recreational boating standards in Australia while ISO Small Craft Committee Chairman Nik Parker will speak on international standards.”

The Summit Down Under will open on the evening of Thursday 21 May with a cocktail and networking function at the Gold Coast International Hotel.

The Summit is generously supported by Maritime Safety Queensland, Marine Queensland and the Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show. For more details, go to www.nmsc.gov.au

The NMSC aims to achieve nationally uniform marine safety practices and is made up of an independent Chair and the CEOs of Australia’s Commonwealth, State and Northern Territory marine safety agencies.