Sanctuary Cove Boat Show Steers New Course

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Sanctuary Cove Boat Show Steers New Course        

The Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show celebrates its 21st anniversary in 2009.

The leading Asia-Pacific show is staged on Australia’s Gold Coast. Dates in 2009 will be Thursday, May 21 to Sunday, May 24.

A newly configured management team will lead this Australian marine event to its celebratory year.

Well known marine identity Barry Jenkins steps down from his role as General Manager to take on a more ambassadorial role representing the Show at leading international events with ongoing business development.

sanctuary cove boat showThe 2008 Assistant Manager, Mark Jensen, has moved into a more strategic role as Sanctuary Cove General Manager Marketing and Events. This role encompasses management of Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show.

Long-time Boat Show manager Harry Davis continues to handle all exhibitor placement while prominent Queensland marine identity Phil Shaw will join the team late October to handle operations. Kate Duryea of Kate D Enterprises has again been appointed as a PR and media consultant.

“I’m delighted to take on this new role and continue to build on the international reputation of the Sanctuary Cove International Boat Show as a leading international event,” said Mr Jensen.

“In 2008, the Show cemented its reputation as the largest on-water boat show in the Asia-Pacific region. ?There were 455 exhibitors, 50,678 visitors and 127 world and Australian marine product launches.  “

“This Show is significant for the Australian industry bringing sales and huge international awareness,” said Mr Jensen.

“Recent exhibitor feedback has boosted our tally of marine sales directly at the 2008 event or as an immediate result to more than $A230 million.”

Increased international marketing is planned in the lead up to the May 2009 event with Mr Jenkins in this important new role.

Barry Jenkins is attending METS Amsterdam with the Australian International Marine Export group (AIMEX) contingent in November 2008 and will be revisiting South Korea, Taiwan, Dubai and China in coming months.

Exhibition 2009 application kits will be released mid-October. Last year display bookings filled quickly.

Visitors or exhibitors can book accommodation online year-round through the event website.