Sea lion gives cat a sleepy seal of approval

Home»Boating News»Sea lion gives cat a sleepy seal of approval

Fountaine Pajot’s Lipari 41 has long been internationally acclaimed for its spaciousness and comfort, but it was recently given another unusual seal of approval.

Crew members Jackie and Graham Smith woke to find an unexpected visitor snoozing on the cockpit table during a stopover in Wreck Bay in the Galapagos.

The brazen sea lion had boarded their cat in the middle of the night, obviously impressed by the size of the Lipari’s cockpit area.              

Jackie and Graham had been warned about the local wildlife but did not expect to be playing host to their very own sea lion guest.

“There are sea lions, seals, turnstones and pelicans in the thousands around Wreck Bay,” Graham said.

“Other boat owners in the marina showed us how to prevent curious animals from boarding the boat, and so we lay fenders across the transom,” he said.

“It clearly wasn’t enough though, as I woke to a strange noise in the middle of the night and got up to investigate.  That’s when I found a sea lion snoring away on the cockpit table!

“He – or she – had come up the steps of the starboard transom, waddled across our cabin, knocked the hatch closed, gone across the helm station, up onto the cockpit seat and then up on to the table.

“When the sea lion woke and saw us, he just stretched, sat up, and then waddled around the cockpit seats until he found his way out and jumped off the back of the boat. He must have spread the word, because an hour later there were four seals asleep on the starboard transom.”

After their close encounters, Jackie and Graham have set sail for Australia after originally departing La Rochelle in France, collecting the Lipari 41 for an Australian owner.

Further information on their voyage can be found at