Seawind will launch in Australia its new Corsair brand at Sanctuary Cove

Home»Boating News»Seawind will launch in Australia its new Corsair brand at Sanctuary Cove


Seawind will launch in Australia its new Corsair brand at Sanctuary Cove with the release of the new C37 trimaran.

The Australian company will unveil a completely new interior layout for its flagship Seawind 1250 complete with new beech timberwork and luxurious leather upholstery.

Seawind marketing manager Brent Vaughan said the company was excited to bring the Corsair brand together with Seawind to the Show. Seawind announced the acquisition of Corsair in October 2010.

The two companies have products and manufacturing processes that strongly complement each other. Seawind and Corsair will have a total of five boats at the Show including the new-layout Seawind 1250, a 1160, and 1000XL model.

The Corsair C37 is on display along with the 24ft Dash trimaran, which was recently nominated for European Boat of the Year, initiated by YACHT magazine and presented at boot Dusseldorf