Soldiers Point Sailing School off to a Flying Start

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After a lot of public interest and support from the local community Soldiers Point Sailing School located at the marina is now a reality.

Students from Tomaree High School are already sailing solo during their Wednesday sports program in the eight brand new Optimists and two Lasers purchased by the marina and on completion of the 10 week course will achieve their Basic Skills One as part of the National Small Boat Sailing Scheme.

Soldiers Point Sailing School in conjunction with the Real Futures Foundation (RFF) is conducted through the week for students at Tomaree High School and St Philips Christian College at Salamander as part of their school sports programs at no cost to them or their school.

RFF is founded on the philosophy that schools and the local community are partners in the support and development of their young people who have reached a critical crossroad in their lives, and to ensure they find a productive future in either furthering their education and training, or securing suitable employment. 

“Soldiers Point Marina is proud to be a major long term sponsor of the RFF – Port Stephens and supporting our local youth” said Marina General Manager Darrell Barnett CMM. “Our professional highly experienced and qualified instructors are ready to foster and encourage confidence and a love of sailing and the water for our young people from the age of eight” he said.

Holiday and weekend programs for children and adults are also available.

Soldiers Point Sailing School is a Yachting Australia Accredited Sailing Training Centre