Summer’s aquatic events for Sydney Harbour

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Summer’s aquatic events for Sydney Harbour
The best vantage points to enjoy major events to be held on Sydney Harbour
this summer are just some of the useful hints contained in the latest safety
guide for boat owners and spectators.
Ports and Waterways Minister Joe Tripodi said the 28-page full-colour
Sydney’s Aquatic Events – A Boater’s Guide, will be distributed free of charge
over the coming weeks by the State’s boating regulator, NSW Maritime.
“The booklet contains safety details about the key aquatic events that are
planned to take place on the harbour, including advice for boaters on
anchoring, vantage points, special-event navigation restrictions and exclusion
zones,” Mr Tripodi said.
“The big events which draw hundreds of thousands of spectators, both afloat
and onshore, are all listed, such as the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race start on
Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve celebrations and the multitude of events
planned for Australia Day.”
The Sydney International Regatta, SOLAS Big Boat Challenge, the 28th
Pittwater & Coffs Offshore Series, the Giltinan Trophy Championship, Sydney
Harbour Week and the Audi Sydney Harbour Regatta are also detailed in the
“There are maps indicating event and race courses, to help skippers prepare
for and plan their day on the water,” Mr Tripodi said.
“Boat owners must be aware of the requirements needed for these events to
be carried out safely. They need to plan ahead, maintain a safe speed, keep
a proper lookout and go easy on the drink – stay under 0.05.”
NSW Maritime distributes the booklet across the harbour to waterfront clubs,
marinas, retailers and chandleries, and makes it available from Service
Centres throughout Sydney and in Newcastle and Wollongong.  
More information can be found at