Sydney Harbour Week Awards

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Sydney Harbour Week Awards – Wednesday ‘7 February

The fifth annual Sydney Harbour Week Awards are approaching fast with nominations for this year’s awards closing on Friday 1 February ‘008.

NSW Maritime provide an opportunity to recognise the outstanding contribution made by individuals, community groups and organisations to Sydney Harbour.

The awards give nominees the chance to be honoured for their exemplary commitment and contribution to Sydney Harbour and are founded on the Sydney Harbour Week vision:

‘To inform, educate and engage the community so as to encourage people to care for and share Sydney Harbour’.

The categories are:
HERITAGE – for an outstanding contribution to restoring, preserving, lobbying or establishing a heritage experience.
COMMUNITY – for an outstanding contribution by an individual, community group or organisation.
ENVIRONMENT- for an outstanding contribution to improving the environment.
ARTIST – for an outstanding contribution in capturing the harbour in photography, writing, painting and/or another artistic approach.
TOURISM – for an outstanding contribution to enhancing the tourist experience.
INDIGENOUS – for an outstanding contribution in indigenous affairs relating to the harbour.
GOVERNMENT – for an outstanding contribution by an individual or organisation from government in any of the above categories.
LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT – for an outstanding contribution to the harbour.

Each winner receives a hand-chiselled trophy replica of the distinctive red and white Hornby Lighthouse, located at the South Head, Sydney Harbour.

To make your nomination and visit