Sydney International Boat Show confirmed for 2013 in Darling Harbour

Home»Boating News»Sydney International Boat Show confirmed for 2013 in Darling Harbour

The Boating Industry Association of NSW (BIA) has confirmed that the Sydney International Boat Show will be on in Darling Harbour in August 2013.

Infrastructure NSW has delayed the commencement of the venues redevelopment to the end of 2013, allowing next year’s Sydney show to go ahead as planning.

It has been no secret that the BIA has been looking for an alternate venue for its Sydney show since the NSW government announced the redevelopment of the Exhibition Centre.  The redevelopment will bring long term benefits to the show, with undercover exhibition space increasing to 40,000 M2, an increase of 13,000 M2 on the current facility.

Roy Privett, General Manager of the Association said “We are excited at the long term prospect for the industry once this facility has been completed.  We are also fortunate that Infrastructure NSW has been working directly with the BIA for almost 6 months now to ensure that we have an interim facility during the construction years of 2014 to 2016 to ensure the Sydney Show continues”.

As a further commitment to the Darling Harbour Precinct, the BIA have entered into a 10 year agreement with Walcon for the supply of marina walkways and installation of added infrastructure to allow for the expansion of the marina exhibit. 

The BIA’s Board of Directors recognise the likelihood of a split show over the redevelopment years, but have vowed to ensure that both marina exhibits and undercover exhibits will run concurrently. 

Infrastructure NSW have proposed some excellent opportunities as interim facilities and is currently working with the BIA to see which is most suitable to meet both the exhibitors and visitors needs.

An announcement about the Sydney Boat Show venue for 2014 to 2016 is expected mid-year.