Sydney International Boat Show ends on a positive note

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Whilst the visitors did not return in the numbers of past years, those that did showed that recreational boating remained high on the list of activities that families prefer for their leisure pastime.
The 2008 show, Australia’s largest recreational marine event welcomed 20,000 visitors more than any other show in Australia this year and according to exhibitors, expenditure was “above expectations”.  A total of 70,767 visitors attended the event over the six days with some varied results across the various segments.
Domenic Genua, the Marketing & Event Manager said, “The show has a large cross section of market segments participating.  It is difficult to say that one was up and one was down, as the fortunes within the segments varied.  Some of the big boat guys did very well, others not so well.  This was the same across all segments”.
The show plays an important part of the recreational marine industry with reported sales showing that it can directly be attributed to 25% of the industries turnover for the year.
“Many exhibitors arrived with realistic expectations, and were pleased when they were surpassed.  With fuel prices, interest rates, slowing economic conditions and poor consumer confidence, it would be foolish for a show participant to think that their show results would not be effected by these external factors we as an association do not have control over”, said Roy Privett, the associations General Manager.
He added, “What is positive is that the decision by the BIA Board to substantially increase marketing expenditure for this years show paid off.  The decrease in attendance over last year was kept to a minimum and the added television exposure ensured that we maintained the recreational boating lifestyle message with those that did not have the opportunity to visit”
The Sydney International Boat Show will again run in 2009 from 30th July to 4th August.