Sydney’s Aquatic Events Free Safe Boating Guide

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Sydney’s busy schedule of summer aquatic events gets underway this week with the Sail Sydney regatta over the four days of Monday 6 to Thursday 9 December.

This coincides with the release of the latest safety guide to Sydney’s major aquatic events for boat owners and spectators.

The 28-page full-colour Sydney’s Summer Aquatic Events 2010-2011 – A Boating Guide, is distributed free of charge by the State’s boating safety authority, NSW Maritime, to promote safe and responsible boating.

NSW Maritime Chief Executive Steve Dunn said: “The purpose of this annual guide is to advise the boating community of the special event navigation controls necessary to support the hosting of large aquatic events inside a busy waterway.

“It contains details of the special boating traffic management measures, navigation restrictions and exclusion zones that will be enforced in the interests of safe and enjoyable boating for everyone.

“There are detailed maps indicating event and race courses and advice on vantage points, anchoring, and communication, to help skippers to plan and prepare for their day on the water.”

Mr Dunn said the booklet includes safety information about the Rolex Sydney Hobart Race start on Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve celebrations and Australia Day events on Sydney Harbour. These major annual events draw hundreds of thousands of spectators both ashore and afloat.

Also covered are the Sail Sydney Regatta, SOLAS Big Boat Challenge, Rolex Trophy, Pittwater & Coffs Offshore Series, Australian Youth Sailing Championship on Botany Bay, Rolex Farr 40 World Championship, JJ Giltinan Trophy Championship and Audi Sydney Harbour Regatta.

Sail Sydney (6-9 December) incorporates Olympic, International and Youth classes racing on Sydney Harbour courses used by the 2000 Olympics. More than 290 competitors from 22 countries have entered the event, including many aspirants for the 2012 London Olympics.

NSW Maritime distributes Sydney’s Summer Aquatic Events 2009-2010 – A Boating Guide to waterfront clubs, marinas, retailers and chandleries around the Harbour, and make it available from Service Centres throughout Sydney and in Newcastle and Port Kembla.  It is also available online at