Thurley brands Sanctuary Cove as “the best”

Home»Boating News»Thurley brands Sanctuary Cove as “the best”

“My best boat show experience in at least four years,” was the comment from Brett Thurley of Pacific Motor Yachts at the conclusion of the Sanctuary Cove boat show,

Brett and his team launched the new retail brand at the show with Jeanneau and Prestige power boats complementing two Clipper Motor Yachts – including the world launch Hudson Bay 50.

“We sold boats across both the Jeanneau and Clipper brands,” he said. “We could not be happier. The show provided good crowds, quality buyers and serious boaters starting their research for a new boat.”

“The Hudson Bay was the major drawcard throughout the show and we received hundreds of favourable comments about the styling and presentation of the boat.”

Brett said the show organisers had done a great job in generating excitement, with the Channel 7 Sunrise team at the show, Gold FM broadcasts and a general buzz of innovations to draw the crowds.

“The atmosphere was definitely upbeat,” he said.

“We were busy throughout all four days with people visiting our on-water display of seven boats and we’re excited about the work ahead of us with sea trials on every boat that was on display.

“It vindicated our decision to increase our commitment to Sanctuary Cove. Being the largest on-water display gave us real exposure in a year when many of the ‘big boys’ scaled back.”