Volunteers get on board Marine Rescue NSW

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Volunteers get on board Marine Rescue NSW

In the true spirit of the volunteer movement, more than 600 people have put up their hand to join the State’s new volunteer marine rescue organisation, Ports and Waterways Minister Joe Tripodi said today.
“These early expressions of interest in membership of Marine Rescue NSW bode well for the future of the new body and I have no doubt more people will want to sign up once it’s up and running,” Mr Tripodi said.
Marine Rescue NSW was formed in the wake of the 2008 Price Report which recommended combining the State’s three volunteer marine rescue bodies to eliminate duplication of resources and to standardise vessels, equipment and training.
Mr Tripodi today announced the closing date for people wanting to comment on the draft constitution for Marine Rescue NSW had been extended by two weeks.
“Those wishing to comment originally had until today (May 8) to lodge their submissions but the deadline has now been extended until Friday, May 22.

“All comments are welcome and will be considered in the drafting of the final constitution of Marine Rescue NSW,” Mr Tripodi said.
“It is crucial that all those who want to have a say in the founding principles of this new group register their thoughts before May 22.
“Now is the time to get in on the ground floor and help in setting the framework for the new Marine Rescue organisation.”
Mr Tripodi said the formation stage of the new marine rescue organisation was also an ideal time for people to indicate their interest in becoming members of Marine Rescue NSW.
People can register their interest by going online at: